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Wonarah Phosphate Project

Wonarah Phosphate Project
(Avenira – 100%)

Avenira continues to progress the development of Yellow Phosphorous at the Wonarah Project.  This aims to mine and process high-grade phosphate ore from its Tier 1, 100% owned Wonarah Phosphate Mine. The Project is designed as a simple open cut mining operation with processing facilities onsite.  Key highlights include:

Key highlights include:

  • Northern Territory Government issued Mineral Leases, ML33343 and ML33344, required for the DSO Project. Learn More
  • Mining agreement with the Arruwurra Aboriginal Corporation (AAC) finalised and executed. Learn More
  • Feasibility Study has been completed and shows good low cost economics. Learn More
  • Mine Management Plan (MMP) approved for initial 40,000t ore parcel. Learn More
  • MMP for additional 1.2Mt of ore extraction lodged with DITT and undergoing assessment
  • Negotiations for the logistics operation of the project are continuing, including discussions with Aurizon for rail haulage and Port of Darwin for storage and logistics.
  • MOU executed with a regional Yellow Phosphorous (YP) producer working towards trial mining and downstream process development. Learn More

The investigation of a higher value YP product to be produced on site at Wonarah using the DSO Product as the primary input is an exciting option. The conversion on-site would significantly reduce the volume of the road/rail infrastructure required and create additional jobs and investment in the region.

Wonarah already has access to good quality existing infrastructure:

  • Access to established bulk commodity port at Darwin
  • Adjacent to priority highway Barkly Highway
  • Adjacent to high speed fibre optic trunk line
  • Proximity to railway with spare freight capacity Tennant Creek to Darwin
  • Natural gas pipeline adjacent to Wonarah tenements
  • Highly suitable for solar energy, located in Australia’s highest photovoltaic region
  • Highly suitable for wind energy (refer to https://globalwindatlas.info/en)

Wonarah mineralisation lies within late Proterozoic to early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks of the Georgina Basin which hosts several phosphate deposits in eastern Northern Territory and western Queensland. Wonarah is located in the area of a basement high between the Barkly and Undilla Sub-basins.


Mineralisation at Wonarah is contained within the Upper Gum Ridge Formation, comprising several units with varying degrees of phosphorite mineralisation.  The most prolific mineralisation is within the Mudstone Phosphorite Unit (MPH), with varying degrees of mineralisation in the underlying units within the Upper Gum Ridge Formation.

Avenira has an extensive tenement portfolio which extends well beyond the existing Wonarah resource.  Some of this portfolio has been drilled at a broad spacing and contains intercepts of >27% P2O5 .  This will allow Avenira to support long-term operations associated with the downstream YP, TPA and LFP projects.